To establish a relationship from one plan item to another (e.g. relate your unit goal up to an institutional strategic goal) first navigate to the Related tab within the item you would like to relate.
All related items have a hierarchical layout, so next you will determine the direction of the relationship. It is worth noting that even if items are being related within the same unit, it will still follow a hierarchical layout (e.g. relate several unit initiatives to the unit annual report where initiatives are relating up to the annual report).
Select + Supports or + Supported By depending on the direction of the relationship you are establishing.
Next, navigate to the correct time period, plan, and institutional unit (note you cannot connect across multiple time periods, but you can connect across different plans). In this example, we are indicating that our item connects to a Strategic Goal that lives at the institutional level.
The last step is to click the blue + next to each item you need to be related. Once you have completed this step you can scroll down and select Back to Plan Item. You can modify these related items at any time.
Please note items must be visible to All Users and users must have at least Reviewer permissions to a template in order to create relationships.