A major component of Anthology's mission is to break down silos and build a strong foundation for unified information, valuable insights, and better decisions. The ability for our products to work together is a key aspect of fulfilling this mission.
For many institutions, surveys represent one aspect of data collection and analysis in developing an understanding of the impact of various learning and developmental opportunities across campus. In keeping with Anthology's mission of breaking down silos, we provide users with the ability to connect project data from Baseline to an item within Planning. This ability allows users to bring together data from Baseline and other sources inside of Planning for the purposes of analysis and to turn that analysis into action.
Before Planning users are able to link Baseline data the Site Administrator will need to enable the appropriate fields. If you are a site administrator for your institution and would like to learn how to do this, please review this article. If you are not a site administrator and believe such a feature would be valuable for your institution we encourage you to speak with your site administrator.
Baseline Saved View
If you are unfamiliar with what a Baseline Saved view is you can learn more about them by reviewing this article. You will not be able to copy a Baseline saved view if you do not have access to Baseline.
If you are looking to link to a specific saved view within a Baseline project that you do not have access to, you will need to be granted access to that project before you will have the ability to link to it from Planning.
In the screenshot below you can see where Baseline Project saved views are located. If a Baseline Saved View has been copied to a Plan item and that view is deleted from Baseline the view will still be available within the Plan item. However, if the saved view is deleted from Baseline AND removed from the plan item, the view will need to be recreated inside of Baseline and then copied to a given plan item again.
Copying a Saved View to a Plan Item
If your Site Administrator has enabled a template to work with Baseline you will see a text box with a plus button below labeled "Baseline," as shown in the screenshot below. Click this button to add a saved view(s) of Baseline data from a Baseline project.
Upon clicking this button you will be taken to a secondary screen. Within this screen you can search the list of Baseline Projects you have access to within Baseline. Here we are looking for the Advising Center Awareness Survey Fall 2017.
Choosing a Baseline Project
When you click on the tile of the Baseline project you would like to use, you will see the second column of this screen will list the available saved views that have been created in Baseline and can be copied to the given Plan item. In the screenshot below we can see I have a saved view labeled "Weekly Visitors to Advising Center". To link this saved view with our plan item I need to click the blue plus button located to the right of the saved view title.
Choosing a Baseline Saved View
You will know you have successfully copied the saved view once it appears under the "Added Data Sources" column. If I wish to remove the view, I can click the blue x button, located just to the right of the view.
Once I have confirmed that everything looks good on this page I can click the "Back to Plan Item" button to go right back to editing my plan item. When I return to the plan item editing screen, you can now see that my Based saved view has been copied just below the text box. Again, if I wish to remove that view I can simply click the blue x, located to the right of the title.