In addition to supporting PDF reports, Planning also supports CSV exports of report data. If you already have a report definition created you do not need to edit it or take additional steps, simply navigate to the bottom of the report definition and click the "CSV Report" option, as shown in the screenshot below.

Key things to keep in mind regarding CSV report:

  • Any formatting within a plan item, such as bold, color or italicized font will be stripped when running the CSV report. This will not impact the data in Planning, simply the result that shows up in the CSV.
  • Any images, files, or tables associated with a plan item will not be exported into the CSV file. If a user would like to export these items from Planning we encourage you to use the PDF report option.

Users with "viewer" permissions and higher for reports can generate a CSV by using the dropdown menu that is located just below the report title.


Users with "admin" permissions can generate a CSV by the method above, as well as within the report definition page.



The CSV report produces a single table of data with all primary and related plan data. Filed names appear at the top of the CSV report, as shown in our example below. Each row in the CSV displays the plan items template and additional item information for easier sorting of data. Regardless of all plan items having the exact same fields, fields will appear as a column. For example, our objective template will have different fields that our goal template, yet both will be included in the CSV. For fields that don't exist for one or the other templates, those cells will simply appear as blank.

Item relationships are displayed in the "Related To" column of the CSV. This will display the title of the items parent relationship. In the example below, we can see that our institution's mission of "Envision Tomorrow's University" is related to our institution mission "Demo University Mission." Because some plan items may have the same name the item number identifier will be appended to the title in the "related to" column. If no numeric identifier has been included for the item only the title will be displayed.

 The example below has been formatted for display purposes. CSVs are produced as plain text and will not have color or text formatting.

Group Name Type Related To Name Item Number Start End Progress
  Institutional Mission   Demo University Mission Statement 1 8/1/2017 12/31/2017 Ongoing
  Institutional Goal Demo University Mission Statement 1 Envision Tomorrow's University 1.1 8/1/2017 12/31/2017 Ongoing
  Institutional Goal Demo University Mission Statement 1 Transform the Student Experience 1.2 8/1/2017 12/31/2017 Ongoing
  Institutional Objective Envision Tomorrow's University 1.1 Enrollment Management Plan 1.1.1 8/1/2017 12/31/2017 Ongoing
  Institutional Objective Transform the Student Experience 1.2 Increased Learning Opportunities Outside of the Classroom 1.2.1 8/1/2017 12/31/2017 Ongoing